Monthly Development Highlights - June 2024
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Monthly Development Highlights - June 2024

July 15, 2024
Monthly Development Highlights - June 2024

June has come and gone, and while summer is already flying by, we've already seen some significant upgrades to the world of Edge of Chaos. Our game developers and artists are steadily working towards creating a finely tuned world that balances quality and quantity.

Our game artists have diligently worked on the vegetation, from ivy and tree saplings to bushes and biome-specific trees and plants. And to make the game world even more realistic and exciting, they’re also working to add features like wheat fields and various ground scatter assets like dried leaves, twigs, and rocks.

Another significant improvement in vegetation is the integration of a new wind system. Combined with our in-house biome tool that helps level designers create unique-yet-consistent local environments, our game developers can now create more varied vegetation growth across large areas of the map.

Our dev team is continuously updating and optimizing core elements, so you can expect even more details in the next development highlights coming soon. Stay tuned!

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