Frequently asked questions
What is Edge of Chaos?
What makes Edge of Chaos different from other MMOs?
When will the game be released?
What is the HyperScale Alpha Playtest Program?
What is EoC: Dungeons?
Is Edge of Chaos a traditional MMO or a web3 game?
How can I stay informed about the game?
When is the next playtest?
How do I sign up and participate in tests?
Can I stream or share screenshots from the playtest?
How do I get rewards?
What are the system and OS requirements?
How do I get access to the test client on Steam?
How can I be invited to private gameplay feature tests?
Do I have to join the Stage during playtests?
Can I list playtests on my CV or LinkedIn?
Do Ancients offer any “pay to win” (i.e. gameplay or feature access) advantages?

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