Introducing the Ancients: Benefits and Lore
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Introducing the Ancients: Benefits and Lore

September 2, 2024
Introducing the Ancients: Benefits and Lore

The Ancients NFT Collection launches soon, bringing new dimensions to the world of Edge of Chaos.

Watch the new teaser trailer:

Curious about what exactly the Ancients are and how they'll tie into the game? Read on for more...

What are the Ancients?

The 12,000 Ancients NFTs are divided into five primary alignments: War, Life, Artisan, Fortune, and Chaos, each embodying distinct aspects of the game’s setting and its underlying philosophies. These alignments not only represent different focuses within the game, but also evoke the historical and mythological authenticity that is central to the game's world-building.

The minting process will take place in three distinct phases (dates to be announced soon), allowing a variety of potential holders to join the growing community shaping the ongoing evolution of Edge of Chaos.

Benefits for Holders

  1. Tithe Potential: Tithes collected from players praying at shrines are pooled and distributed among holders.
  2. Community Engagement: Holders become part of a vibrant community with opportunities to influence game development and participate in exclusive events.
  3. Long-Term Growth: By holding the Ancients, holders align with the game’s long-term success, benefiting from both the game’s immediate popularity and its future expansions.

Furthermore, the Ancients collection directly addresses the Gamer-Holder Adoption Dilemma:

  • Most web3 game models use NFTs that offer exclusive in-game content
  • The exclusiveness of the content determines the value of the NFT within the ecosystem
  • This power is concentrated in the hands of a few (typically a few thousand holders)

This system is at odds with broad mass-market adoption by the worldwide community of 1.2 billion gamers necessary to grow and deliver a successful game, and forgoes competitiveness in favor of being pay-to-win, with in-game power concentrated in the hands of the few. These two contradictory forces have been the central conflict of the web3 gaming ecosystem, preventing web3 games from breaking into the mainstream AA/AAA market.

Holders, Players, and Everything In Between

The Ancients collection sees holders as an extension of the studio. Holders are involved in the world-building and shaping of events within the game. Instead of just being denizens of the game world, they are part of its cosmology.

This doesn't mean holders can't also be regular players - in fact, we believe these dual roles are not only compatible, but offer new and exciting ways to engage with the game, and a new vision of what web3 gaming can be.

Curious to learn more about the Ancients? Find out more at the links below:

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