Dev Update: Buildings and Structures
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Dev Update: Buildings and Structures

November 6, 2024
Dev Update: Buildings and Structures

As the world of Edge of Chaos takes shape, one of the biggest challenges for the dev team is making environments that feel organic, natural, and 'lived-in'. A big part of this is finding a balance between natural and man-made environments, and then interspersing them throughout a region in the correct scale and numbers.

As fields and forests transition to farms, villages and towns, smaller and more primitive structures give way to larger ones. And just as in real life, building a digital structure requires creating a framework and choosing materials. Farms include agricultural buildings such as the Granary (pictured above) and the Hay Barn, which you can see being "built" from the ground up in the timelapse video below.

In addition to the Hay Barn, other basic structures such as the Fisherman's Assets provide an indication of human presence, tying the lives of ordinary people to the landscape.

Larger structures such as the Village House begin the transition from farm to city:

Those who practise their trade may require specialised structures to go along with it. Blacksmiths, for example, require furnaces capable of reaching tremendous temperatures, as well as anvils and tools to forge weapons and armor. The Blacksmith building shown here is a solid, two-story structure capable of meeting all these requirements as well as serving as a dwelling:

With greater success comes greater wealth. Those who are able to make a name for themselves in the feudal-style economy of the mediaeval era may be able to afford larger dwellings, such as the Merchant Manor:

And finally, as structures are only worth building if they can stand the tests of time and the tides of battle, fortifications play a major role in the war-torn world of Edge of Chaos. Here are the Wooden Fortifications you can expect to see if you attempt to take a capture point from a well-guarded force...

We'll have much more to share from the development side in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

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